Proposal: FOR-EU Team Fortress 2 Training Seminars

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Postby Witchiebunny » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:28 pm

As originally posted by Nikkyvix:

Alright, folks! Niko here with the first call for feedback on a proposal that a few of us had been tossing about. Here's the deal:

Team Fortress 2 is a game rich with possibilities for strategic combat, clever nuances and community fun. However, the greater majority of these fun strategic nuances only come with experience, trial and error, and frustration. TF2 can be very daunting to the newbie who's just picking up the game after hearing their friends' peals of joy about it, and many new-comers--myself included when I first started--had the feeling of being grabbed by the ankles and slung into the deep end of the pool when first starting. There is no singleplayer or training mode for TF2, so a few of us regulars are making plans to hold little tutorial seminars for explaining the ins and outs of play on the TF2 battlefield!

The structure for these seminars is still being worked out to mix learning with fun, and it's my hope that we can teach players of all skill levels a thing or two. What we need from others are ideas on what they feel is important to cover in these seminars, for the education and entertainment of new-comers and people wishing to hone their skills in certain classes.

Some starting examples to keep in mind for discussion:

Useful client-side actions and commands
* Voice commands, keyboard settings, etcetra

Introductions to the classes
* Class-specific strengths and weaknesses
* Strategies both novice and advanced
* Class-specific considerations for "smart play"

Introductions to the game's physics and play methods
* How to rocket-jump, sticky-jump, super-jump, wall-jump, etcetra
* How certain weapon trajectories can be used

Introduction to the game's stock maps and modes of play
* How battles in Team Fortress 2 unfold
* How is a Territorial Capture map different from a Capture Point map?
* Where to build, what to defend, when to attack, how to counter-attack
* The point system and what certain bonuses give

Game Consideration and etiquette Do's and Don'ts:
* Assisting teammates in need
* Providing warnings for danger or opportunities you know of which your team does not
* How to use and not abuse mic talk
* Controversial topics like spawn-camping, griefing, forcing Autobalance, etcetra

Plans are really broad-scope at the moment while we tighten up what the seminars would consist of and how to keep them informative, engaging, and fun. I can see the first classes (which we plan to aim for Fridays and Saturdays) as covering introductions to Team Fortress 2, its game modes and its classes, with advanced topics coming later. For instance: One seminar covers introductions to the Capture Point and Territory Control game modes using structured play on the stock maps cp_Dustbowl and tc_Hydro, including what select classes can achieve in those classes, wrapping in themes like class-specific strategies and considerations. Also some round table discussion and knowledge-sharing occurs during or after the instructionals, and then unstructured, free play on the server.

If the community likes the idea, we can consider which weekends to start having these seminars on. They are intended to be locked to the forum and [FOR] community to help cut down on the random riff-raff that wish to interrupt learning experiences for others. So please leave some insights, ideas, questions or commentary you may have about this idea, and we'll see what we can come up with.

Remember, there're lots of hopeful, potential TF2 frequenters that just need a means to get acclimated to the waters before they're tossed into the feeding frenzy. Let's do something fun for them, in addition to making a seminar we can use to hone our own skills!

-- Nikky
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Postby Cpt. Nuke » Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:57 am

I could help with the training, actually.

I really like imparting my knowledge to other people, and I have a good deal of it on TF2.

Need any help with the training? Just tell me, I'd be glad to help out.
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Postby Tlaren » Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:45 am

I'd be happy to provide my services, uber-bun!
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Postby Cpt. Nuke » Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:49 am

I really like the seminars so far. I love helping people out with this game. Thanks for the help with sniper, Witchie! I still have trouble hitting fast moving targets though. I need to work on my timing a bit still.

Sixy's showing a lot of improvement. It's just hard since he can't hear much of what we're saying though. :/
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Postby Kellervo » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:26 am

Looking forward to the Pyro training thing on the weekend. I personally don't think I need much help when it comes to Pyroplay, but it oughtta be interesting.
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Postby Witchiebunny » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:07 pm

Alright, it's that time again!

The evening of Friday January 9th and during the day of Saturday January 10th (so as not to interfere with maptesting) I will be holding a training seminar on the Engie.

With his new upgrades and some changes to maps, his way of play has been opened up a bit more and he's quite a bit more versatile and it's time we revisted him.

I'm going to be trying to hold these weekly as I once did, and I'm gonna head over to TFP #3 to do this (that would be the EU server.)

So. If you want some new tips or just want to help, come by TFP #3 on Friday evening or Saturday during the day!
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Postby STrRedWolf » Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:59 pm

*raises wrench* I'll be there!
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Postby Wulfie » Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:55 pm

*tips hardhat*

I think I should be attending, since I'm probably known the most (least?) for my Engie work. Mostly to be set to work demonstrating things upon command.. but if there's a tip I never caught on to, it'll be a bonus.
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Postby Makaze » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:48 pm

So, when are you guys gon' do another training seminar? I'm kinda.....less than confident as a pyro now *eyes a few key posts in fav class thread* So I'd kinda pray for a pyro, or better still a medic or soldier seminar.

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Postby NikkyVix » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:26 pm

It may just be my faulty memory, but I don't believe we've done any of the following:

Pyro (General guerilla tactics and why W + M1 is a bad idea)
Medic (How to be a great team Medic and an effective Battlemedic)
Spy (The Art of Espionage in tandem with the Art of the Backstab)
Scout (The Art of the Nuisance Gnat)

It probably depends on which is the most sought-after class for tactics training.
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