NYC Furry Interested in Appearing in Web Video?

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Postby yudithho » Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:41 am

Dear All,

To introduce myself, my name is Yudith Ho, a reporter for the New York City News Service (

I was talking to my editor recently about how the media has largely ignored or portrayed the furry community in a false light, so we thought about putting together a video of a furry talking about their own experiences in their own words. The web video will be around 2 to 3 minutes long, of a furry talking about how they got started, what the issues were, what the misconceptions were and everything else they would like to talk about. It will be largely a monologue.

The deadline we've set is this coming Monday (September 27), so I was thinking of doing the shoot anywhere in NYC by Thursday night (September 23) the latest (post-processing takes a long time!).

Do contact me with any questions you may have, either by e-mail ( or cell (646 267-5945). I'm always glad to talk to you about this :)

Thank you again. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:33 am

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