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Serious Problem With TFP Server

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Postby RumRunner » Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:20 am

A little while ago I had just finished connecting to the server as usual, teams were even so I joined the team with the most friends of mine on it. As soon as I spawned and could hear them around half or more than half of the team started yelling at me to leave or go spec b/c Doom had joined the server, and my being on their team meant that Doom couldn't be on it (now Doom being on the server I probably would have left later on in the game anyways). But when a team primarily made up of regs starts yelling at another player to leave b/c someone else is joining there is something wrong.

This has annoyed me GREATLY. Not to the point of blinding, shaking, extreme rage, but it has annoyed me more than enough to post here and bring my annoyance and problems to light. Because apparently me covering up my annoyance and anger at such a thing ever occurring on the server worked well enough for people ON THE TEAM THAT YELLED AT ME to assume that I had quit b/c Doom had joined and I didn't want to be killed by him. I did not. Such things piss me off I do not give a damn what player is joining people shouldn't yell at others to go spec or leave b/c they are joining. So as a result of this team being jackasses to me I left. Apparently those of you who did it don't realize how you pissed me off.

If anything of the kind happens again I WILL NOT return to the server. I shall find another server and move on with my life this is the first and only warning for such an occurrence that will EVER be given.

This decision is final and my mind is made up I can deal with the server/the community's problems and flaws, but I will not tolerate open non-joking jackassery towards people merely b/c someone else is joining.
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Postby Witchiebunny » Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:21 am

For Goodness Sake Rum.

I was there when the incident occurred and you heard me tell them it was mean and to stop it. Obviously they didn't listen to me, but you really need to not let it get to you-It's nothing against you and everything to do with the age old problem that Doom is *good* and that people want him on their team/don't want to be killed by him.

I certainly can't guarantee it'll never happen again (if I banned everyone who was ever a jackass on the server, we'd all be gone, you know) but my response to you is twofold.

The first is that I'll try to make it clear that such comments really aren't kind and definitely aren't tolerated with a grain of salt as if they aren't hurtful and such-they are. I know this, having been on the receiving end of such comments in my own life.

But beyond that, my advice to you Rum honestly is to chill out about it. Yes, it was a jackass thing to do, but you KNOW that by and large the regs on TFP aren't jackasses to that extent, and you need to view it for what it was-a bunch of regs who saw another very good player join and didn't want to get owned.

In short: Step back, understand that yes it was a jackass thing to do, but it was a moment of jackassery from a generally good group of people and walk away from it with that understanding. Such things, upsetting as they are really shouldn't detract from your enjoyment of a server you have stayed with for the better part of a year. And I know you Rum-you've stayed at TFP, despite all your annoyances and complaints about us for a reason. Try to remember that reason, and take a step back from TFP #1 for a bit. I bet when you get back, the hurt will have faded a bit and you'll be able to view it with a clearer head.
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Postby Mortician175 » Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:38 am

Rum at this point, you're just crying wolf. Shit happens, deal with it. If it makes it better, go cut yourself and cry some more, i mean for fuck sakes, when you start BAWWWING over every little thing it gets old. Yes, it was a jackass thing to do, yes i agree with your sentiments, but constantly rageing against doom (mind you, i'm a former doom rager) gets you no where, or people who want in dooms pants, you're just fighting a battle that cannot be won, choose em carefully christ..... i just sounded like my dad......... holy fuck, i think i jsut grew a little inside o.o (emotionally you horndogs)
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Postby RumRunner » Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:01 am

my statements though they may have been exaggerated at the time I made them, were for the most part not influenced by irritation or anger. merely based off of a simple mental cost-benefit analysis that i generally do with every decision worth noting.

and nothing more need be said as far as that goes (mainly b/c it is past 3:30 am and my mind is not functioning as well as it normally would wording-wise.) perhaps it would have been better to merely let the annoyance go and keep these things to myself. but at the time i had felt like it needed to be out in the open. should it ever come to the point where it does become in my best interests to leave it will probably be a silent departure. that is about all that can be said on the matter for now. now i need sleep.
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Postby Purplecat » Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:04 pm

Well, next time it happens tell me about it right away and I will do disciplinary action about it if it's bad enough. It's not acceptable trying to make someone leave because of "someone better" coming on, especially if done in a disrespecting way.
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Postby FyreFlareon » Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:14 pm

The idea of having to leave because someone of greater preference is denied a spot on the team is just.. ridiculous, period. There's no shame in having friends on opposing teams.

Also waiting for the day when the concept that you don't get better at a game by killing weaker people kicks in.
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Postby NikkyVix » Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:38 pm

I simply love how this thread is headed with the sensational eye-grabbing titling of a serious, pervasive, fundamental problem with the game server...yet...what it boils down to is someone's "annoyance" with the actions of a few individuals involving another player he's grown to dislike.

Hyperbole much?
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Postby RumRunner » Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:07 pm

Don't worry! There will be strippers at your funeral!
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