Some Days, I Hate These Servers.

Think something's terrific? Think something sucks? Rant and rave here. This is a definite "Keep it civil" area, folks. We will be enforcing common courtesy.

Postby Stormcaller3801 » Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:31 am

I got home from work today. I was tired. Very tired. The gal I happen to be in love with is dealing with a broken heart- her new beau isn't ready for a commitment, so she's been trying to get over the fact and find out whether he might be interested later on (he's recently widowed). I get to be the supportive, helpful guy who's trying to keep her in one piece and provide good advice, while realizing that if this all works out for her I'm basically waiting for them to break up. And I still am having no luck finding a job in my field.

So I check the servers and I see that server #5, the Members server, the one I have lowest latency to and the one that, theoretically, should have the least percentage of assholes on it, has three people there. I figure I'll go join. They're either goofing off, or I can just be a Spy and sneak around. They're having fun practicing arrow reflection to try and get headshots on a Heavy. After a short bit, I join in, keeping the Pyro alive when he missed. Slowly more people trickle in, someone caps the point and the KotH map ends. So we go to Lighthouse.

Immediately after agreeing to just screw around, I end up dealing with a guy, MadoK or something like that, whose idea of screwing around is playing seriously. I keep dying. More people show up. We all end up deathmatching while avoiding the point. Then finally some new Engie decides to cap the point. He gets a Sentry up and that's basically that. Next round people stay off the point, and we start screwing around more. I'm using the Huntsman and just tapping M1, not even aiming at people. When Jarate recharges, I toss that. Before long there's about four people who're playing seriously, trying to kill everyone while other people play for fun. One guy's trying to locate Doom, who's a C&D Spy, so he can say "Hi I'm a Soldier" in front of him and get killed. I give him an occasional hint. Finally the consensus is to stop killing each other and just screw around with things. Except MadoK, Pownlol, Happy_Lunchsomethingorother, and another guy are still at it.

Finally people are trying to get on this one roof- you have to climb up atop the lighthouse, leap to another building, then run along a fence and crouch jump onto another fence to get to the roof. I've switched to Engie, and I figure I'll help people. I set up a teleporter as close as I can get, before the crouch jump.

So what happens? People on my own team run into me to slide me off the roof. The people on the other team keep killing my teleporter. Scouts and Pyros are taunt-killing every time someone exits the 'porter. Jim Darkmagic's playing as a Sniper and skeet-shooting people as they try to make the jump. All I'm trying to do is just get a teleporter up on the final house, so people can get there.

Finally I get over there and set one up. Pownlol teleports in, backstabs me, and saps my stuff. He starts killing me every chance he can get. I keep trying and trying to get set up again, but between Pyros airblasting me, people still playing serious, and the occasional people killing everyone, it takes me a long time to do it. Several times people blow up the entrance. All the while other people are trying to do their own thing and suffering the same problems. Then people move on to something else. I'm able to get everything going, and finally, I'm happy. The kid with his sandcastle.

And of course, then Pownlol switches to Spy, uses my teleporter, backstabs me, and saps it all.

There were people blocking the jumps, killing people, knocking them off ledges, doing everything they could to disrupt what other people were trying to do. Me? I was avoiding killing people. I asked nicely to leave my stuff alone. It was stated repeatedly we were all just trying to goof off. Still ended up getting griefed.

And it happens over, and over, and over again.
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Postby Witchiebunny » Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:27 am

This is when you come to an admin.
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Postby Stormcaller3801 » Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:03 am

And the game I just went through had an admin. I don't know who. It didn't say. But someone kicked Poisoned Mind off, so there was a mod, or an admin, or someone there.

I watched multiple Snipers sit behind the spawn door, some of them firing at me as I stood on the opposite side of the map. I was killed by more than one of them doing so. At the same time, people were audibly calling for spawncamping, which was going on in spades. At one point in the deathcam I watched a demo on my own team stand in front of the enemy spawn door- which had a Sniper waiting on the other side- and sticky it midway through the map. After the first couple rounds the other team barely left spawn at all, and the insults were flying from both sides.

The only person I saw get kicked was Poisoned Mind.
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Postby Kyle » Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:28 pm

Hey, I think I was there. Unfortunately this was the only evidence I was able to capture that evening!

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Postby rednec0 » Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:18 am

Doom would be said admin from that night, boyo
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Postby Stormcaller3801 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:30 pm

Here's another fun set.

Attack/Defend map, and there's a setup time. Teams are six per side. We're on defense. I'm a Demoman, I sticky around the flag (BLU had to take the intel to a cap point to move forward) and then go wait by one of the spawn doors. Doors open, and it's time for... the sound of a lone grenade launcher, firing ineffectively at an Engineer while the rest of the team runs forward. Hit tab to see who's alive- four people on my team. Run forward again, and I see a lone Engie up on a walkway. Nobody else on my team. He dies, I'm facing a Pyro, a Spy, a Medic, and a couple Scouts. Hit tab- four people alive on my team. Run forward again, they've capped the first point. Run past an Engie whose Sentry is apparently guarding our spawn from... who knows what, and a second Sentry on the second point, with no owner. Run forward, die again to a Scout/Spy team up. Again, only one other person on the team dies. I quit.

Or hey, how about 2Fort on server 7. Melee only. I switch to Scout, ask if baseballs are allowed. No response. I run forward and see a Sniper. Start swinging. We end up falling in the water. He says "Leave me alone," in voice. So I immediately swim backwards and stop swinging. He swims up and kills me. Bonus fun: it was a server admin. There's something to make me enjoy logging in.
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Postby Stormcaller3801 » Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:01 pm

Here's another fun one for the recordbooks: player shows up and states outright he's a troll. He specifically states he's targeting one player. He's doing his best to disrupt what was otherwise a nice friendly game.

So I go into chat to try and find an admin. I find an admin. Meanwhile I'm trying to get this guy's target to be patient and not quit the servers in frustration. Finally the admin joins the server. The guy continues to be an ass.

And I wait. And I wait. And I wait.

Know what happens?

Not a goddamned thing.

Admin just sits there in spectator, watching.

I give up.
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Postby caigan » Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 am

I would be that admin you got ahold of.

I cannot act without visual proof, be it a demo or my own eyes, unfortunately.

So, I join the server and sit in spec to assess the situation. Everyone is messing around, talking on voice, KILLING EACH OTHER, and no one is arguing with each other over these. I watched for a little over five minutes, giving people ample time to tell him to stop, or giving him ample time to display this 'trollish' behavior or say something insulting. He didn't, and other than having an annoying voice changer, he was messing around the same as everyone else was at the time, and to me no one had a problem with him.
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Postby Stormcaller3801 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:39 am

You mean like when people stated they were out to kill him because he was disrupting things, his calling Crimson a crybaby, or protesting that he wasn't doing anything wrong- he was playing the game the way it was meant to be played?

Did you try asking anyone to explain what had been going on prior to your arrival, independent of anything I said to corroborate? Maybe ask someone if he'd, say, actually stated outright his intention to troll, and that Crimson was his target, exactly as I relayed? Found anything at all suggestive that just maybe I wasn't lying through my teeth? Maybe asked people how they were trying to play?

The Ping's behavior started on the previous map, but he ramped it up bigtime when he realized it was pissing Crimson off. We hit Bedroom2 specifically to take advantage of the giant skybox, and Ping went out of his way to egg things on. By the time you actually showed up in the game we'd already been through a full round of play and it was pretty damned clear The Ping was going to keep disrupting things until he was dealt with, and with no action taken people gave up trying to do what we were there to do.

This is why I'm not going to bother anymore. There's no goddamned point. People disrupt the game, I go into chat, no admin acts, I get told it's too early in the day. Next day, same shit, only now it's 6pm, still nobody around. Third day we're trying to have fun, after showing up and saying we need an admin, I have to explain what's going wrong- but that apparently means fuck all because it doesn't count unless an admin actually sees it.

Screw demos, screw finding an admin. I can see why the griefers shrug their shoulders at threats to get an admin, and everyone else gives up and does what they want- because they've learned that's exactly how it is.
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Postby Mr. Munchlax » Fri Oct 16, 2009 4:37 am

So you'd rather complain about how the admins aren't doing anything when you're doing nothing yourself but providing your apparently infallible word of others' wrongdoing when you could simply record a demo of the criminal scum in action and get them punished like you believe they should? GREAT SUCCESS! :B

Proof my friend. It is required.
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