Unprofessional Admin

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Postby stabbykat » Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:05 pm

A few weeks ago I was banned, when it happened, I came into the Steam chat and argued with the person who banned me. I was banned for excessive swearing which I thought was ridiculous, and seemed even more ridiculous that when I was arguing about it with the admin who banned me he kept bringing up my past as if it was justification for him banning me (which I was only banned once for anything serious in my past, for something completely different and unrelated to why I was banned) anyways it's not why I'm complaining but I could tell as I was talking to him that he had a personal dislike of me.

Anyways, I just tonight decided to start playing on the server again, I was only on the server for less than 30 minutes, when out of the blue, after doing nothing for at least 10-15 minutes I got banned again. I immediately get in the chat and find it's the same person who banned me last time, only this time, banned me over basically nothing. He said I was 'banned for the same thing as last time' even though I had NOT been swearing excessively, I cursed a couple times as I was complaining about my team, but you would have to be incredibly insane and/or sheltered to think it was excessive. Also consider that
A) NOBODY on the server complained about what I had said, once, or asked me to stop. In fact at least 1-2 players agreed with me that our team and certain players were incredibly bad. If anybody had asked me to stop or indicated they didn't like what I was saying I would have stopped. Not one player did though.
B) There was a 10-15 minute gap, AT LEAST, and one map change between me complaining about my team and me being randomly, out of the blue, banned. No warning, no indication why I was being banned. I had just been playing engie, not really talking (Disclaimer, I complained once that map but did not swear excessively or direct it at anyone! It was just a complaint about how hard it was.) and minding my own business.
C) When I got into the chat, I was given different reasons as to why I was banned, which kept changing each time he said something, 3-4 times, (rules didnt seem to be any part of my being banned, he was just hiding behind them as I've seen admins do before when they ban people for personal reasons, I've run servers before) by the same admin (who banned me) and he went on to tell me a lot of BS about my past which again clearly indicated this dude had a grudge against me and was looking for any reason at all to ban-hammer me. He basically JUST banned me because he does not like me (He's certainly free to not like me but it's incredibly unprofessional to ban someone because of it) and is too entrenched now to unban me or admit it. Even as I was complaining in the chat room, someone else had said something like "even I've done worse and gotten away with it" or something, which was exactly my point, that he was holding me to a much stricter standard than ANYONE ELSE because of his personal dislike for me, it is not fair or right for admins to act like this, especially when most of my friends play on these servers. I wish I had the chat room transcript but he shortly after kicked me out, most likely just to shut me up since he knew he was acting unfairly.

Anyways, this probably won't affect my ban at all but I don't care, he'll probably accuse me of just trying to get unbanned but really at this point that's not the issue at all, you can keep me banned forever if you want. Don't take that as an admission of guilt though, as I said before I was complaining about my team and swore a few times, but it wasn't even close to enough to warrant a ban, much less a ban with no warning whatsoever. I just am tired of dealing with all this hatred and prejudice towards me on the servers for no real justifiable reason, especially after this episode showing me I can't even rely on the admins to be impartial, I'm ready to just quit playing here altogether. I can't just let this go though, I even gave the admin a chance to apologize to me and he instead mocked me.
Gami, you are a terrible, petty admin and you seriously have a lot of growing up to do. This is not an insult. This is a criticism. Learn the difference between these two, if you're an admin you're expected to be able to tell the difference between concepts like these, not throw a fit and kick me from the chat for calling you out on your BS. You should be ashamed to even call yourself an admin.
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Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:09 pm

Postby Sicmendor » Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:15 pm

Dear Stabby: as a moderator of TFP I'll answer you.

http://sourcebans.thefurrypound.org/ind ... mid&Submit

First of all, you have been banned twice before this third ban happened. From what I've read, before the 1st ban happened you griefed inside the game and ignored the admins. I was not a mod back then, but I can imagine what happened.

About the 2nd ban: I'll quote some things that you said before you got banned:
"Stabby: this is such typical behaviour from TFP sadists"
"Stabby: wow fucking sad faggots"
"Stabby: im not even playing seriously and rokusi has to hack because he's a threatened child who needs assistance from hacks"
"Stabby: you're the fucking assholes who vote against any chance of a fair game, not me"
"Stabby: sociopathic self-centered children, whatever your preferred term is"

and after that a player complained about your behavior to one of the admins and I don't know if that same one or another entered the server to put order. The following is in the same session. I'll keep other players and users unrelated anonymous here as [Player].

Stabby : yeah like the fucking cunts you pussies are
[Player] : Suck it, Stabby.
[Player] : probabkly last round anyways
Stabby : so afraid of a non-stacked game
Stabby : so why not vote yes?
Player [Player] joined team RED
[Player] has found: Baby Face's Blaster
Stabby : so people can have one fucking nice game
*DEAD* [Player] : You REALLY need to step away from the computer, Stabby.
[Player] : dis guy, amirite
Stabby : shut the fuck up dude, you're a retarded troll

And then you got your 2nd ban. Maybe foul language or excessive swearing was not appropiate in that moment, but player disrespect was, therefore you deserved the ban being one reason or another.

In addition, before this situation another player complained about your behavior too.

If the admin brought up your past it was not to charge against you, it was for your own good, as a signal that you must improve your behavior.

Now let's talk about the 3rd ban. It was not Gami who banned you, to start with. And also, none of the administrators has the obligation to give a warning when it comes to this kind of situations after the 2nd ban. And here is your behavior before your ban.
*MUERTO* Stabby : just cause its sudden death doesnt mean you make it to middle and then not do anything...
*MUERTO* Stabby : christ people are fucking stupid
*MUERTO* Stabby : yeah no shit, not an ounce of fucking teamwork

(EQUIPO) Stabby : why would you build on second and NOT build a teleporter
[5 irrelevant lines]
(EQUIPO) [Player] : Do you attempt to understand teh midn of a fialgineer, Stabby? It's a futile pursuit
El cvar 'sm_nextmap' del servidor se ha cambiado por pl_hoodoo_final
[SM] Votación de mapa finalizada. El próximo mapa será pl_hoodoo_final. (Obtenidos 58% de 12 votos)
(EQUIPO) Sicmendor Darkaxe : help at last
[Player] : That worked out better then I thought it would, King.
[Player] ha conseguido el logro Telón de acero
Stabby : stupid troll engie

El jugador Stabby ha sido asignado automáticamente al equipo BLU
[11 irrelevant lines]
Stabby : of course the retarded engineer causes us to lose THEN quits

(then you joined RED after that)

Stabby : fucking hate doing the work of an entire team as an engie because nobody knows how to fucking play TEAM fortress

And then you got banned for the 3rd and last time. And you didn't stop there: you charged against Gami in the group chat before you got kicked and then you invaded his profile trying to force him to appologise to you because you think that he hates you or has a grudge against you. The fact is that he doesn't have any of those two against you (hate and grudge).

Now, let's see... TFP sadists, fucking sad faggots, "a threatened child who needs assistance from hacks", fucking assholes, sociopathic self-centered children, fucking cunts, pussies, retarded troll, fucking stupid, stupid troll engie, retarded engineer, and indirectly useless to all your team. This is all the stuff that you called toward other players when you were inside the TFP servers, and I have only put the stuff that I pasted here.

Stabby: it gives us the impression that you only enter the server to critizise others when they are not playing well, going on with your insults. That makes others feel uncomfortable, and to not want to be with you.

Gami is a very responsible administrator, as well as that if he were not online, you would have ended banned too. So take a criticism from my part: don't call him terrible, petty admin, and neither childish between other stuff that you called him. Don't call him any of that before looking yourself into a mirror. You have insulted other players and now you have insulted him.

And due that you tried to force Gami to appologize, even when logs about your behavior have been shown to you, I will say that I'm locking this topic. I don't want to hear about you anymore, Stabby.

I'll finish this post with something that will make you think: if I have answered, it will be for a reason.
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