Stacking, woo!

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Postby TheDXM » Sat Apr 10, 2010 8:22 pm

The solution for team stacking woes is a small menu option at the bottom of your screen normally brought up by pressing escape. Holding down one's mic button and constantly crying about the TF2 equivalent of the wind blowing at one's disinterested teammates, however, is not only NOT the solution, but tends to just make the whole situation more irritating for one's team.

Seriously. If you don't like the inevitable team stacking that will occur not only on these servers but across the entirety of TF2, then just leave. Avoid those who stack often. But don't get flustered, and whine without end about it, as it's unhealthy and doesn't contribute to anything resembling a solution. I go random almost every time I play here or on any other server, doesn't matter to me whether my friends end up on my team or not, or the respective skill levels of who is on what team (unless I'm doing it to AVOID a stack.) I've been on the receiving end of plenty of stacks, and as a result been repeatedly dominated by someone who I could toast in a one on one fight, then had them talk smack about it. But do I get irritated, or mad, or depressed, or any other assortment of unnecessarily dramatic emotions? No. I just let it go. Why? Because it's a game. A very silly one at that, which I can stop playing ANY time I wish.

They're called chill pills, and the prescriptions are cheap and easy to get.
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Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:54 am


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