TF2 Ban Contestment - Chris

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Postby Chrisss » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:09 am

Still waiting on another admin to actually comment. No offense to you but you're biased and absolutely refusing to comment and put any sensible logic into this because I offended you.


Get another admin to talk to me or respond on the topic. Theres no valid proof and theres no blatant anything, so stop being stuck up about the subject and get someone else to moderate. I appreciate your baised input into the subject and what not, but I'd much rather actually have progress in such a matter then simply listen to you avoid my posts and my responses to just yell and cry.

So if another individual would watch the videos and comment on their own without Nikky in her own simply ranting and insulting me repeatedly, I'd really appreciate it.

Truth be told Nikki, theres nothing in your videos that proves anything, and you're now taking it personal instead of doing your job. I've shown it to about a dozen people and they're agreeant on it being perfectly normal.

ALSO! You want to see a real TF2 heavy hack?

Nothing like what I was doing. Now if you would be so kind as to stop having an ego and review it like a mature individual would we can both continue, I also want second inputs. Thanks.
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Postby Chrisss » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:16 am

Also -

Wheres the rest of the video? The majority of the jerking was from me screwing around listening to Propane Nightmares while laughing my ass off and spazzing. I do the same at spawn start every round and for the first few moments until combat.

I want to see an entirely unedited feed of the entire video without bias or interruptions. Your little four or five second videos of me screwing off isnt' a constant or a medium for any comparison or idea to be had. Personally, you're saying that if I recorded someone dicking around in spawn shaking their camera while listening to music at a fast pace for 10 seconds, I could post it and get them banned?

Cool. Wheres the full video?

Also, still waitin' on that other admin.
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Postby Dagger » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:20 am

I still can't believe any of this is actually considered a valid, there's no proof of anything... on top of that you logged on, Banned Chris (Reason: aimbot) said Bye guys <3 and logged out, How the hell is that 'catching him'? Because the enemy team (Half scouts?) kept throwing themselves at us (while we're keeping him Kritskriegged) whined to you until you did something? That's not fair in the least, that's furry drama.

Edit: We don't even use TS or Ventrilo or anything, everything is on team voice chat in game... Maybe if you actually played and listened to us flanking and calling out enemy locations, spies and timing our charges you'd realize we're not bots, we're players like everyone else, working together to win.
Last edited by Dagger on Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ayeaka » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:25 am

Actually, most of the complaints you received were from spies, not scouts.

Perhaps I have no 'business' intruding on this...argument, but from personally watching, I witnessed you suddenly rev, turn, and kill cloaked spy after cloaked spy--when no one else was near them, and it would have been impossible to hear footsteps due to the firefights going on around you. On occasion this was done to me, as well, although since I can't spec MYSELF, I can't know for certain whether or not I flickered due to touching a wall.

I do, however, know what I saw happening (repeatedly) to the other spy on my team, and as I was disguised each and every time, with the cloak, I also know that there were no nearby spies to call either of us out, on all but one of the occasions.

Killing scouts as a heavy isn't exactly difficult. Yes. Love how you argue back with claims of our scout number.

We actually had relatively few scouts, compared to the numbers as of late--it spiked to 6 once, but stayed at '4' for most of the game. Two using full unlocks, one using sandman, one using all lvl1 weaponry.

Notably, I also only saw you doing this, on the enemy team. Any other time a cloaked spy was gunned down, he either flickered, or was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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Postby Arcalane » Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:08 am

FYI, it's preferred if you take complaints direct to the private channels to avoid potential dramafests like this, though I see you have already.

This is being looked into, don't panic.

EDIT: (Witchiebunny)

The matter has been thoroughly looked into. The ban stays.
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