*twitch twitch*

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Postby Mortician175 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:24 pm

finding a jobby is hard these days, where im at its even harder, when the nearest sign of civilisation is about 10 miles away and without a drivers license THATS A FUCKING BITCH. SO i had a job before hand and i got let go because they needed someone "stronger" which i have no fucking clue what that means, so now im job hunting again and having to ride my bike around and the weather has been pretty good to me so a nice bike ride isnt so bad even if im out of shape. HOWEVER... so man hills... and my mountain bike needs repairing so... yea fun fun fun, but yea i got shot down at most places for not having "experince" HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO BE A BAG BOY AT A GROCERY STORE OR WORK AT A FUCKING BLOCKBUSTER?! HONESTLY?! @#!@$#%^#^#^@$#%$#@#@!$&^#%&*(!@$()*!#_%^_ RAWWWWWWW!!!!! *goes on a killing spree with AK-47*
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Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:29 pm

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