Work is eating my soul

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Postby Makaze » Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:51 pm

Yes, I know another Makaze/Sabishi whine rant, but hear me out since I really am lost as to what to do, I mean it's depression or hate of my job, quite the contrary, I adore my job, but realize lately I've been spending more and more time there, not out of deadlines, though they exist, but I feel like I get shit done, accomplish things while there. But the downside is it's killing my social life, attempts to make/renew ties with folks in TFP, IRL and just in general.

Roomie says I've just become a hard core workaholic, and I know there's a few here who've lost free time and social activity to such things, so I'm wondering how do you cope? How do you/did you manage time between work/studying and chillin with folks and what not. What do you do to get out of your work mindset and what not?

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